Earth Hour is a movement using the power of the crowd to protect the planet. In response to the global Earth Hour to raise public awareness about the importance of protecting the environment for the sustainable development of the world , the Responsible Travel Club of Vietnam (RTC) launches the Power OFF – Future ON to call for participation and support from the members of RTC, all stakeholders in the travel industry and public in implementing responsible travel practices in each destination they travel to, and minimizing negative impacts on the environment to sustain the ecological system and a place to live for our community and future generations.

PRESS RELEASE – Earth Hour event “Power OFF – Future ON”
“Power OFF – Future ON” campaign begins with a series of activities, including several pre- events:
• Filmmaking for the Environment Contest: With the aim of raising awareness for the office staff of members in RTC, tourists travel to Vietnam and the public about Green Office Practices that can easily apply for any office for minimizing impacts on the environment, the members of RTC are required to submit a one minute video filming how each company carry out what they have learnt from RTC’s Green Office Training Course in their office. The contest winner will receive award and the video will be played at the event.
• Green Invention Contest: For the purpose of encouraging the community to think RECYCLE before trashing useful items to reduce the burden on the environment. The contest is open to all those who have creative inventions for recycling. The product will be judged based on practical value and usefulness by the judges panel and audience on the day of the event.
“Power OFF – Future ON” event takes place at The Matchbox Restaurant, 40 Cao Ba Quat , Hanoi, from 17:00 – 19:30 March 28, 2014 with the following activities :
• Encourage participants to walk/bike/use public transport/hitchhike to the event to minimize their carbon emissions.
• Exhibition space for recycled inventions and environmentally-friendly shops.
• Join the crowd power, take action by writing your own commitment, Polaroid-ing you and your commitment and sharing your action to the public on our connecting board.
• Interacting games to give you hints on how you could help the environment.
• Together turn off the lights, and culture sharing with our international friends in the crowd with learning to dance traditional dance moves from different cultures around the world. DANCE TO POWER THE EARTH.
RTC looks forward to the support from all of you and the media for this event .
For more information please contact the campaign coordinator :
Ms. Nguyen Thi Lan Chi
m . +84 96 3134 410 l e. [email protected] l / rtcvietnam