Responsible Tourguides Project

Duration: 2013 onwards

The project:

Understanding that actions for responsible travel need efforts from all stakeholders, especially tourguides who appear to be Vietnam frontline ambassadors to bring Vietnam “timeless charms” to tourists domestically and internationally. It’s the matter of fact that Tour Operators from the North to the South are whinning on the lack of responsible tourguides to complete their responsible products while decent tourguides are searching for an association to join in and exchange experiences and receive guidance on responsible travel practices. RTC is forming a group of responsible tourguides who have the passion to learn and willing to share to join the network of responsible stakeholders.


  • To improve the knowledge and update news on the guiding profession;
  • To introduce responsible travel practices for tourguides and tourists;
  • To introduce the international code of ethics for tourguides;
  • To form a strong & responsible network of tourguides certified by RTC’s standards;


  • Open discussion between tour operators and tourguides to list out conflicts/problems to find solutions altogether;
  • Field trips to introduce new responsilbe products recommended by RTC;
  • Workshops on different topics to equip for tourguides with practical informations and updates;
  • Compromise agreement between RTC’s tour operators and tourguides on contracting partnership.